We screen potential donor mothers, then collect, process, and dispense donated human milk by physician prescription.
We accept, pasteurize, and dispense donor human milk to premature and ill infants in Mississippi by physician prescription.
Our facility and processes meet the standards of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA).
MMBM is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization.
Our new facility is conveniently located in Flowood. With a comfortable reception area and expanded lab, we can effectively receive and process donations on-site.
The Mothers’ Milk Bank of Mississippi is governed by a Board of Directors in accordance with the organization’s bylaws.
President: Danny McCaughan, MD, FAAP, Neonatologist, Newborn Associates – Jackson
Vice President: Amy Winter, CPM, RD, LN – Mississippi Public Health Institute– Jackson
Secretary: Mary Lou Sorey, MS, CCC-SLP, IBCLC, Pediatric Speech Pathologist, University of Mississippi Medical Center – Jackson
Treasurer: Kimberly Hardy, CPA
Medical Director: Rebecca B. Saenz, MD, FABM – Madison, MS
Board of Directors
Mobolaji Famuyide, MD, MPH, FAAP, Neonatologist, University of Mississippi Medical Center – Jackson
Heather Hall, J.D. – Mississippi College School of Law, Jackson, MS
Anita Henderson, MD, FAAP, The Pediatric Clinic – Hattiesburg, MS
Randy Henderson, MD, FAAP, Neonatologist, Forrest General Hospital – Hattiesburg, MS
Pamela Lacy, MD, FACOG, OB-Gyn – Columbus
Sr. M. Dorothea Sondgeroth, OP, MHA, Associate Executive Director, St. Dominic Health Services Foundation – Jackson
Anna Higginbottom, LMSW, University of Mississippi Medical Center – Jackson, MS
April Wilson, RN St. Dominic’s Hospital- Jackson, MS
Tandy Warren, RN, IBCLC St. Dominic’s Hospital- Jackson, MS
Kimberly Dixon, MHA, Mississippi Dept. of Health Jackson, MS
Stephanie Sullivan RD, LD, NICU Dietitian-Jackson, MS
Myrelle Penquite– Brandon, MS