Learn how we turn donated breast milk into a lifeline for babies in the NICU.

Mothers are given precise instructions on how to express and store milk safely. You even can pump on your regular schedule, and save some for donating!

Milk arrives frozen, and is defrosted by our team of lab technicians before processing. You can find a link to our drop-off locations below.

Technicians use medical-grade protocols for sanitation and handling of milk. Milk goes through six rounds of homogenization to ensure that all components are evenly blended. Milk is distributed into 100ml sterilized containers.

Using the Holder Method of pasteurization, bacteria is eliminated from the milk, while the beneficial nutrients are retained. The milk is then flash-frozen to be distributed to hospital NICUs.

Every batch of milk is sampled and tested for bacterial growth. No milk is dispensed until a negative test result is received. The milk bank keeps very careful records to ensure that every bottle can be tracked from donor to recipient.

Mother’s Milk Bank of Mississippi distributes processed milk directly to NICUs in Mississippi. Your milk helps babies in need!