My name is Samantha and I am 26 years old. I am blessed with a wonderful husband of 8 years and our three precious children, Anna, Elizabeth, and Jonathan. We are so honored to be their parents.
I recently gave birth to our third child, Jonathan. I have had the privilege of breastfeeding him and all of our children. However, with Jonathan it has been a different experience. Though my lactation was good with all the kids, I have had a more than abundant supply with Jonathan.
I am a stay-at-home mom now, and I nurse on demand and pump as well. I am producing anywhere from 40 oz. to 60 oz. a day. I started knowing pretty quickly that there was no way he was going to drink all this “liquid gold,” and I thought surely there is a place and use for it. I couldn’t bring myself to think it would go to waste. That’s when I started researching what to do with an extra supply of breast milk. I came across many sources, but I chose the Milk Bank of Flowood. In my search, I wanted to be able to help local babies in need and with an organization that does just that.
The Milk Bank of Flowood was the perfect fit for me. They not only have been super helpful but they have been very supportive and excited to take my extra supply of milk. I am honored to be able to share with so many precious babies who need it and to help save their lives. The process was very smooth making it easy to donate my milk. They are so helpful and answer any questions that I’ve had. I am blessed to be able to share this gift that God has given me. So far I have donated 17 gallons, and I plan to continue to donate as long as I am producing.
Thank you Milk Bank of Flowood for all your hard work, and thanks to all the donor mamas for their dedication and hard work making this precious milk better known as liquid gold.